Thursday, June 11, 2015

Debunking Hamza Ali Abbasi Statement

Seems nothing wrong to me with, which erupted social media and made it to a trend!

Is the Shia-Genocide state-backed? Does the people of Pakistan supports the brutal attacks on Shia community? Do you think Sunnis (Pakistani origin) are the one funding these genocidal attacks? Do you think a common Sunni has anything to do with these attacks or this makes him happy seeing Pakistan – The Land of Pure getting tarnished into pieces?

If the answer to these questions is ‘Yes’, I can only pray for you and I won’t blame you for this. Because, it means you had a really hard time and I would understand being through all this, witnessing.

And if your answer is ‘No’, then let’s talk about this.

Hamza Ali Abbasi may be as stupid as he can get beside what was the point of mentioning the crap in brackets?

Being human you can raise your voice for any deprived or terror-stricken nation/community let alone Muslim or Non-Muslims. This was not the criteria at all (What Abbasi assumed to be and created a mess out of  it) if you cannot raise your voice for Shia, you are in no position to do so for Rohingya either.
Who doesn’t condemn the act of terror and worst of its kind brutalities shed upon Hazara community?

We all Pakistanis are having hard time one way or other but there got to be some difference between an individual/group and state-sponsored terrorism targeting a community on whatsoever reasons.

Yes, the government is guilty of not providing proper security to Hazara community but they are no exception. We saw that in APS, Safora, Peshawar Church, and Jinnah Airport in short you name it and it’s on the list.

We all are having hard time. For terrorist I am no exception as much as you are. Though, some groups may target me other won’t, that’s all.

But this is not as simple as it sounds; you need to take the history into consideration.

Hazaras have been living in Pakistan (Area) since the 17th century. Acts of violence involving terror groups and their Shia counterparts in Pakistan was reported in 1980s, took hype in Zia-ul-Haq regime and later from the influx of weapons into the country following Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, made it even worse. Iran began supporting Shia militant groups fighting Zia’s efforts to render Pakistan a Sunni Islamic state and the rest became history. But that era can be termed as conflicts between Shia-Sunni. It is not the same as now.

The recent attacks on Hazara community cannot be termed conflicts at all. It is not the same as it was in the pre-Zia and post-Zia regime. It is a whole new story.

Enter to the modern regime of terrorism. Now you need not to mobilize forces and go into declared wars with your foes, thanks to the rental mercenaries. In Pakistan sectarian conflicts has been used by United Sates, Saudi Arabia (Not as much as people think, true may be for Gulf States) and the new entrant India.
India has been recently investing aggressively in Shia-Sunni conflicts.

India believes that their reliance on TTP is too much that can cause them trouble and after the successful ongoing Zarb-e-Azb operation they see TTP of no use anymore.

Secondly, fueling Shia-Sunni conflicts makes their dreams come true to penetrate into Pakistan’s already vulnerable deep routes. It’s on record that the Indian Intelligence officials in the past few years have successfully stressed upon convincing their governments for using Shia-Sunni sectarian conflicts.

Mr. Doval an Ex. IB spymaster currently serving Modi as NSA on the event of 10th Palkhivala Memorial at SASTRA University said, India must use three modes of countering Pakistan – Defensive, Defensive Offense and Offensive. He reiterated, ‘You can do one Mumbai, you may lose Baluchistan’.

Clearly, Mr. Doval sees the Defensive Offense as the best – means ‘strike and defend’, ye that’s right! But this is nothing new in fact India have been doing this since long on diplomatic and covert front both – leaving no stones unturned. What’s new is the confidence of Mr. Doval.

BLA and other Baloch separatist evidently supported by India have hardly 500-1500 fighters hiding in the mountains.
A pop-up question comes into mind, why on earth India’s top spymaster who enjoys the status of National Hero can be so confident of breaking Baluchistan?

Now it’s time for you to decode India’s Ajit Dovals favorite recipe of sectarian war considering Mr. Doval’s profile of secretly serving Six years in Pakistan, mostly at Data Durbar, Lahore.

Clue – The Potential of Shia-Sunni sectarian war.

For those who didn’t read Abbasi’s statement ( )

The Writer tweets at @ISIStinger

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