Sunday, September 14, 2014

The Never Ending Lies…

Like most religions, in particular, forbids lying. The Quran says, “Truly Allah guides not one who transgresses and lies” [Surah 40:28].
Truthfulness is one of the pillars on which the moral survival of the world depends. It is the of the praiseworthy characteristics, the foundations of prophethood, the result of Taqwah. Were it not for truthfulness, the rulings of all divinely-revealed laws would collapse.
According to a myth, a young George Washington confessed to cutting down a cherry tree by proclaiming, “I cannot tell a lie”. The story is testament to how much respect Americans have for their cherished first president and honesty in general. Unfortunately, in the annals of history it seems there are dishonest scoundrels for every honorable hero like Washington.
Supposedly, the truth can set you free but for many, deceit holds the key to success, money, fame, revenge or power and these prove all too tempting. In history, this has often resulted in elaborate hoaxes, perjuries and forgeries that had enormous ripple effect.
Without further ado, let’s delve into the historic lies of Mian Muhammad Nawas Sharif that hampered his legitimate position.  
Nawaz Sharif is a “Factory of Lies”, he and his cronies believe in lying repeatedly and religiously follow their convictions in this regard. They have mastered the art of manipulation, alteration, maneuvering and use their wealth to let no stone unturned in achieving their unlawful goals.
Nawaz Sharif hideous character was exposed after conviction in the hijacking case. He and his family approached foreign friends who persuaded the then president Pervaiz Musharraf to have mercy and forgive them. Nawaz Sharif, Shahbaz Sharif and family sought pardon and signed an un-constitutional agreement with a commitment not to participate in politics for a period of ten years. He lied all these years and hid the existence of any such agreements from the nation until the head of the Saudi Agency, Prince Miqran Bin Abdul Aziz and Prime Minister of Lebanon, Mr. Saad Hariri unveiled the existence of the agreements and Ch. Nisar had to admit the existence of these agreements during press conference of Javed Hashmi. Sharif brothers in return of the then Military Ruler Musharraf generosity have not only crossed all limits of hostility but also lied to the nation.
Just recently Nawaz Sharif has been embroiled in another controversy, after the facilitative role being played by Army in current political crisis asked by Nawaz Sharif for. But when the pressure mounted from political allies (PPP, JUI, PMAP etc.), Nawaz Sharif took a historical U-turn and lied on the floor of the parliament, accusing that Army had stepped in at the request of Imran Khan and the new political sensation, Dr. Tahir-Ul-Qadri.
However, Pakistan’s Army Director General of ISPR, Asim Bajwa confirmed on 29 August, 2014 in direct contrast, that Army was called on by the government’s command – A proven liar within a no time.
Similarly, regarding Chinese President Xi’s visit to Pakistan the Nawaz government has lied that his visit is being canceled due to the PTI and PAT Marchers Sit-ins. While Chinese Foreign office clearing the air and I quote, “It is worth pointing that we have never released any information about President Xi’s visit to Pakistan officially. So there is no basis to say we are about to cancel anything”.
So these were some of the shiny examples and given hype by the print and electronic media, though there are many more as you unfold the history. Now quoting some of the examples from the history of United States of America, of which many a liberal democratic folks are proud to follow.
In January 1998, citizen journalist Matt Drudge reported a sensational story that turned out to be true. The president of the United States, Bill Clinton, had an affair with a White House intern, Monica Lewinsky. As suspicions mounted, Clinton publicly denied the allegations. As if this lie weren’t big enough, it turned out that Clinton had lied under oath about the affair which was perjury and grounds for impeachment. Later on the truth came out and the House of Representatives voted to impeach Clinton for not only perjury but obstruction of justice.
Imran Khan has always and rightly said that those who would brings you in power will need something in return and when it comes to this, you won’t be able to stand up on what you have promised to public or at least a genuine try for welfare and he would blackmail you, throw you whenever he wishes – wise words indeed.
Similarly, American President Richard Nixon, who was elected to serve the nation for two terms is another shiny example who lied in Watergate scandal and when the pressure mounted Nixon gave up and resigned from office.
To run an election campaign and win, you need money and candidates learn quickly that folks who’re able to provide it, almost always want something in return and that’s where it gets nasty and the dangerous game of lies gets started.
In the Hadith Muhammad (PBUH) was quoted as, “Be honest because honesty leads to goodness and goodness leads to Paradise. Beware of falsehood because it leads to immorality and immorality leads to Hell.
Allah (swt) says (interpretation of the meaning):
“It is only those who believe not in the Ayah (Proofs, evidences, lessons, signs, revelations etc.) of Allah (swt), who fabricates falsehood, and it is they who are liars.” [Al-Nahl 16:105]
Now before I stop my pen from writing further, I would very much like to put a question for you folks that given the comparative study and scenario (sensitivity) and Islamic teachings what would you suggest for Mr. Mian Muhammad Nawaz Sharif? Step aside and resign? Seek another Pardon? Or perhaps we should change our beloved country name from “Islamic Republic of Pakistan” to simply “Pakistan” as many intellectuals rightly consider Pakistan as a Progressive liberal state and stop giving impressions of considering Shari’ah as a supreme law – burden of conclusion lies upon the reader.

The writer tweets @ISIStinger

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