Thursday, June 11, 2015

Aftab Bahadur Case

The so-called humanist of West took over twitter by storm trending #AftabBahadur to express outrage on Pakistan for hanging Aftab Bahadur. As if Christian can't b criminal?
The problem with the West is that they do not know how it feels when you have three corpses ready to be buried forever. The funda is simple ‘you kill, you get killed’.

This came to me as a shock that our judicial system is criticized by those (Britians) who implemented it and exploited it for years before independence and is now considered flawed. What we can assume from this is that some group called Reprieve believes that it can't spare Christians of criminal charges.

Another shock came to me when I read Aftab’s essay. How amazing is that a Black warrant prisoner has access to mainstream media and can publish his essay within no time. What’s more is, that he can write poetic and even trying to justify it that he didn’t received any training for it.
Aftab Bahadur a plumber can seriously write better that a Pakistani literature professor and knows how to drawn attention. For example to gain sympathy he aligns his age in the center in a sentence.
 “For many years – since I was just 15 years old – I have been stranded between life and death”

And Finally, Ironic as it can get. A convicted criminal Aftab Bahadur advising Pakistanis from Kot Lakpat Jail to have some 'sense' of Nationality and stop sectarian war- That one’s really touchy, I must say.
He said: “I wish that Pakistani people could possess a sense of nationality that overrode their sectarianism”
I don’t know whether he was innocent or guilty but I do know one thing that this is our country and we will decide what law should be implemented here. For me Pakistan Judicial systems and judges are far more respectable than some foreign groups (Reprieve) on vested interest to malign our country and portray it as a failed state and hell for minorities.

Pakistan is going through an exceptional phase and we need to implement harsh laws – definitely death penalty is the need of time and government must bear no pressure.

The Writer tweets at @ISIStinger

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