Friday, June 17, 2011

Pakistani Behavior

Hopefully you will be aware of this fact that Pakistan culturally, socially & traditionally are very differ from the rest of other countries and looking unique. Similarly the Pakistani people are also seems unique in their behaviors most of them suffering from a disease to which I call “rusted behavior”. This is the nation in which mostly people only belief on open advantage if they found their response will be ok, else their response will be unexpected -I didn’t say that all Pakistani are materialistic but the majority.
The main problem which I must highlight is the term “wait”. They are the enemy of this word and I swear they will kill you silently through their eyes by just looking, when you say them that “please wait”. My nation has a very less consumption of the term “wait”-Including me.
If you are a business man and are coming to invest in Pakistan then just hold your head for a while and keep it tight, think about it seriously and ask from yourself do you have a mighty heart if yes then go ahead and don’t think about it but if no then remember my free advice that you will be needed a quick time administrative machinery because there is no compromise on late arrival -just in your case, supply, productivity are whatever for whom you are going to invest.
I don’t know that what happened to this great nation peoples for whom Quaid-e-Azam, Dr.Allama Iqbal, Sir.Syed Ahmad khan & many other sacrificed their life’s and they struggled just for these peoples and their religions to give them a suitable place and reputation but now these peoples are ruining everything and that is from their own hands and for this only their behavior is enough. No doubt that we were good in our behaviors and still some of us are, but it is fact that we are not alike as our elder were.
We can’t wait just five minutes on a traffic signal but can watch a three hour movie, day & night cricket match very excitedly and no buzzing, murmuring will be there but at a traffic signal just watch and listen carefully us that what we are saying. These rules are just made for our safety if we are violating it means we are not interested in a good environment which provide us facilities and comforts. But then why we expecting from Pakistan more when with some of us an accident or tragedy happen then why we are criticizing Pakistan that here is no laws.
For this I got one of a stupid answer form majority peoples is that “the five minutes on a traffic signal is just a waste of time while watching cricket match & movie is a hobby and also a way to keep yourself busy and to pass time”. My answer was: that you are 100% right but this is the business of only eyes because we people hate to be as a whole busy. I recommend that extra activities are good for health & improving knowledge but there should be a limit and we should show some self responsibility.
The other most effecting factor about law and order situation which also attract me to highlight and I don’t know to call it good or bad quality of our behavior, ok I leave it on you, you’ll decide latter either it is good or bad.

When in routine life laws are to be faced by them to be followed they just hold their head & the word expected from them will be “oh” rather to welcome & appreciate it. But when they are talking to each other you will be looking that each of them will be criticizing laws & some of them will be saying that this is a law less country & will be showing themselves as a rule follower & they will not be feeling tired from criticizing laws & country administration. Some of them mostly say a sentence that “this is Pakistan” –yes this is, but just told me that what you deliver to Pakistan except criticism. Most of them are vehicles drivers when they are in a highway they will not be fastening their seat belts, which is a rule that it must be fastened on a highway when you give them a reminder that “sir please fasten your seat belt” then just listen that what he is going to say you but I must tell you that his response will be unexpected as mentioned earlier.

Similarly when their neighbors are stealing power illegally, they will never reporting to concern authorities but they will be doing one thing which is their utmost favorite and that is to make them notorious in peoples. I want to ask from them that what happened to you if you have no authority to stop them then who give you this authority to make them notorious. As a result the governing bodies of the related power supply company thought that it is happened due to line losses & they calculate all losses & divide it equally on all paying bills & also compensate it in upcoming bills in which most of them are poor people & their incomes are not so good & these bills are also paid by them, so what do you think now is not it a curse & atrocity -yes it is.
But this is not the fault of company administration it’s our behaviors fault because to make money is their business & every business organization wants to maximize their profit by minimizing their losses.
The main theme of this article is not just to criticize our people but is to point out & identify those problems & bad habits which improving day by day in our behaviors & I am worried about it that its not good for a country like this in an emerging position. So we need to welcome rules appreciate our law & order forces to help them in making Pakistan a good place where our people can take the breath of their choice & to live happily. For this we should need to implement rules first on ourselves then by others, try to make impossible possible & cut our no’s from our life & to boost up our country otherwise it will be very difficult to survive in a world like this which is now at a competitive position & to achieve the main motives of Pakistan establishment.

Remember that from these behaviors not only just Pakistan suffering but these behaviors you can find in a person from any corner of the world but as I am concerned with Pakistan so thats why I discussed it in the light of Pakistan.
Let’s hope for the bright future & pray for our country as the world lie upon hope & struggle we got the success not destination so keep walking towards goals because time has no mercy for you.
If you are suffering from these points which I discussed above & those behaviors which are not good then please make sure to neglect it from your diary of life.
It’s not necessary to agree with my views because I attempted this issue as I have seen enough of, may you have a different experience.

The writer tweets @ISIStinger

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