For long duration my country heart(Kashmir) consisting of beautiful sights of waterfalls and the green land awesome mountains and the most beautiful natural sights of world,my Kashmir,the part of Pakistan are now the place where Indians Army violating the rules and rights of innocent Kashmir's peoples since from 50s. Now Kashmir is known as the place of sorrows,unhappiness and a bloody and unsafe area where Indians army are busy to finish the coming generations of Kashmir's people...

your these foundations and institution because you are failed and you are nothing because you can only talk not react neither act.

I request especially to Russians Government that please don't use veto power against Kashmir issue in United Nation so that your nation will be great this is the request of a straight forward thinking person. Every human have some good wishes but my wish is to give independence and freedom by the hands and order of ALLAH to the Kashmir and their peoples...
Raise the voice for Kashmir and their peoples “Kashmir the great Nation”.

Think about..
The writer tweets @ISIStinger
This is something to think about. Thank you for letting us know all this.
Very good.
Enemy of Pakistan are trying their Best to harm Pakistan from every expect... But we Punjabi,Balachi, Pa-than, Sindhi living in Home land are fighting with ourselves ......WHY......
why shouldn't we united together and prove to the whole world that we are Pakistani. and we lone PAKISTAN.
Enemy of Pakistan are trying hard to Harm Pakistan from every expect, but we Punjabi, Balochi, Sindhi, Pathan are fighting with our selves.........
Why shouldn't we united together and prove to the whole world that we LOVE our Mother Land very much. For which our ancestors have struggled a lot.......
please think about it.....
Saad Ali
Kasmiris hate India and they hate Pakistan for making their heaven a hell. They want independence and freedom and we should help our muslim brothers acheive this.
Well brother you didn't mentioned your name but thanx for commenting on such a serious issue. I just want to say that Pakistan is still helping them in order to achieve independence but the fact is that Pakistan suportes Jihad in Kashmir before 9/11 incident act,after that incident it was declared internationaly that these issues will be considered as a terrorisem so Pakistan left that option because it will not be an effective decison if the other UN think that, so the only option we have is dialogue and that we are doing hopeffuly it will give some good fruits.
Dear Saad it is good to see that you have a corner in your heart to feel that we are fighting with each other and of course it's a big hurdle among us, but i would like to tell you that if anyone attack at Pakistan including past, they stand together in difficult situation so this is a good sign but the bad sign is this that why we are not keeping this behavior always, why just at worse situations? this should be neglected.
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